On-Demand Trainings
Beginning in 2023, the Institute began offering on-demand online trainings for Early Childhood professionals. Some sessions are developed originally as online trainings and others are live webinar events that were recorded and then adapted to an online on-demand format. Please carefully read the information below before completing any of the trainings.
- Each training is online, self-paced and available 24-7 when it is convenient for you!
- All trainings provide contact hours approved by the NC Division of Child Development and Early Education. Training certificates documenting hours are issued upon successful completion of the training and the training evaluation.
- To begin any training, you will be provided a link to register (through Zeffy) and in some cases pay a registration fee. Upon registration and payment (if applicable), you will immediately receive an email with the link to your training. Follow the directions on the email to get started and access your training.
- All trainings should be accessed and completed using the Google Chrome web-browser. Other web browsers often create technical issues during the training.
- Trainings are offered through EdPuzzle. The training typically includes a video portion along with interactive elements. You will notice the various interactive elements along the progress line of the video. You will be required to pause at these moments within the training to complete a particular task. Although you are not able to skip ahead within a training, you are able to exit and training within Ed Puzzle if needed and log back in later to pick back up where you left off.
- You will need to complete the entire session and the session evaluation which is linked at the end of the training in order to receive DCDEE clock hour training credit. Certificates are available and emailed to you AFTER you submit your evaluation.
- If there are any issues or questions about the Institute trainings, please reach out to Ashley Allen at ashleya@ncicdp.org and/or Erin Speer Smith at erins@ncicdp.org
Trainings currently available are listed below along with any applicable information and links to get started.
Check back often for updates to our training offerings!
1. Salary Scale Toolkit Level 1 Training

Price: Free
Hours of Training/NC DCDEE Contact Training Hours: 1.5
Training Description: The purpose of the Salary Scale Toolkit Level I training is to introduce participants to the newly developed salary scale toolkit. It will ensure participants are familiar with how to access the toolkit, how to navigate the toolkit, provide a basic overview of the content of the toolkit and the history of the model salary scale and toolkit development. This training is provided in an online, asynchronous format. Note: Level 1 training is a basic introduction/overview of the Salary Scale Toolkit. This training is NOT intended to provide detailed instruction or support on the toolkit’s content/resources (see level 2 training).
Get Started: Click here to register for and access the Salary Scale Toolkit Level 1 Training Webinar
Additional Info.: For more information about the NC Salary Scale and the Salary Scale Toolkit, check out our information here: https://www.ncicdp.org/the-nc-model-salary-scale-ncicdp-compensation-toolkits-trainings/
2. Professional Burnout in ECE: You Can’t Give to Others What You Don’t Have

Price: $25 (Early Educator Certified (EEC)= $15)
Hours of Training/NC DCDEE Contact Training Hours: 2
Training Description: NCICDP recognizes that the Early Childhood Education (ECE) field is faced with a child care crisis and that COVID 19 has changed our lives. As an early childhood administrator, early educator, TA practitioner or community leader in the early childhood field, numerous responsibilities from home to work fall on your shoulders. If you are becoming or feeling overwhelmed by the crunch of life’s daily challenges and workplace stressors, you may be experiencing professional burnout! Join us as our keynote speaker, Jes Averhart, Creator of the Reinvention Roadtrip and James Osborn of Alliance Health along with our Panel of Early Childhood Practitioners, help us navigate and talk about professional burnout along with strategies and tools to help reinvent and ignite positive health and wellness in your life and the lives of other ECE colleagues.
Get Started: Click here to register for and access the Professional Burnout in ECE: You Can’t Give To Others What You Don’t Have
Additional Info.: This session was originally offered as the Institute’s 2023 Lean In and Learn Webinar in Dec. 2023.