Early Childhood Special Education / Exceptional Children Teacher
Job Overview: Special education teachers oversee the education of students with physical, emotional, mental, and learning disabilities. They collaborate with families and professionals to design and deliver learning experiences geared towards the individual needs and capabilities of the students under their supervision. They promote policies and practices that strive to enhance and ensure optimal outcomes and development of young children with disabilities and their families.1 |
Minimum Education: • Bachelor’s degree/ B-K License in Early Childhood Development specialized in Special Education
Recommended Education1 |
Salary Range: $36,890 – $82,960 per year 1 |
Professional Standards: In addition to NAEYC’s Professional Standards and Competencies and the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, the following standards from the Division of Early Childhood (DEC) are specific to the role of a Special Education Teacher (EC Pre-k)2
Additional Resources: |
1 Child Care Services Associations. Careers in Early Childhood: A North Carolina Directory. https://www.childcareservices.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/NC-ECE-Career-Directory-051419.pdf Child Care Services Associations. Careers in Early Childhood: A North Carolina Directory.
2 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Standards 2020. https://d4ab05f7-6074-4ec9-998a-232c5d918236.filesusr.com/ugd/95f212_6e8952cda15f48b3935a7729dddcb50d.pdf