Early Childhood Regulator/Assessor
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Job Overview: Regulators such as NC DCDEE Child Care Consultants, Program Managers, Social Workers, NC Rated License Assessors, Child and Adult Care Food Program Manager must have the proper knowledge and understanding of childcare regulations and rules as well as tools and resources as they ensure that licensed childcare facilities and family childcare homes are complying with local, state, and federal requirements.
Some regulators also provide technical assistance and professional developmental trainings to staff to help them meet requirements. 1 |
Places of Possible Employment: • Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), NC Division of Early Childhood/ DCDEE, state pre-kindergarten office, county/state departments of social services or education, and office of head start.1 |
Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in one of these fields:
Recommended Education1
Potential Career Pathway: ECE Teacher, ECE Administrator/Director, Professional Development Specialists, Technical Assistance Specialists, Child Care Consultant |
Salary Range: $28,330 – $90,900 |
Professional Standards: The NAEYC’s Professional Standards and Competencies 2 (listed below) and the NAEYC Code of Ethics are specific to the job of the Early Childhood Regulator.
1 Child Care Services Associations. Careers in Early Childhood: A North Carolina Directory. https://www.childcareservices.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/NC-ECE-Career-Directory-051419.pdf Child Care Services Associations. Careers in Early Childhood: A North Carolina Directory.
2. Power to the Profession. (2020). Professional standards and competencies for early childhood educators. Retrieved from https://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/professional_standards_and_competencies_for_early_childhood_educators.pdf