“Cultivating a high performing professional development system and fair compensation for all Early Childhood Educators.”
About the NC Institute for Child Development Professionals (NCICDP)
The Institute was established in 1993 by a group of dedicated volunteers as a result of a national effort to address the need for state-level early childhood professional development systems. Because of its diverse professional development system stakeholders, the Institute was often used as a sounding board or a workgroup for the Division of Child Development to help guide decisions on policies and practices around early childhood professional development. In September 2008 the Institute formed a Board of Directors, incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation and was granted IRS 501 (c)(3) status shortly thereafter. The work of the Institute is conducted by staff and guided by its Board of Directors and various standing committees and ad-hoc workgroups. Through consultative services, development of publications, collection and dissemination of data, trainings, networking and outreach efforts and the advancement of the field through the Certification system, the Institute engages and informs practice, policy development and resource use.
The mission of the North Carolina Institute for Child Development Professionals (Institute) is to promote the implementation of a comprehensive professional development and recognition system that links education and compensation for the early care and education workforce to ensure high quality care and education services for young children and their families. The Institute is a field-based, non-profit organization that provides both free and fee-based services.
The Institute’s vision is that all Early Childhood Educators are valued and fairly compensated for the importance of their work and have equitable access to an affordable, effective and high quality professional development system that recognizes higher education, and an array of ongoing training, technical assistance, coaching and mentoring with the goal that all young children have access to high quality early care and education.
The Institute
- Builds and supplies high quality training opportunities for Early Educators on professional development planning for individuals, organizations and systems.
- Certifies and provides work life benefits to early educators who work directly with and on the behalf of, or intend to work with children ages birth to twelve.
- Creates access to resources and the latest research on workforce issues through its partner network and learning community and via its website.
- Defines and educates others about early childhood professional development system elements and strategies.
- Offers specialty endorsements to early educators who work directly with and on the behalf of young children and families and to service providers who support the health and safety of children served in out of home settings.
- Offers networking opportunities for early educators through in-person and virtual events.
- Partners with early educators, government agencies, non-profit organizations, business and industry, parents and research and advocacy groups to improve workforce education, compensation and retention levels.
- Provides consultation services on professional development strategies, systems development and grant development.
- Actively engages the workforce through its email blasts, EEC Facebook page, website and workgroups related to advancing the education of the workforce, compensation, higher education and professional development.
- Produces tools, publications, research and reports and collects and disseminates data about the NC early childhood workforce.
- Supports the provision of professional development services through trainings, networking opportunities and resources.